uploads/ammunition clip.jpg

ammunition clip 子彈夾。

ammunition depot

As students ' family and friends remember those killed in the shooting of virginia tech , investigators have learned the shooter bought ammunition clips on ebay about 3 weeks before the attack 當學生的生的家人和朋友記住那些在弗吉尼亞理工大學因槍擊事件而遇難的人時,調查人員已經獲得實行槍擊者大約在此事件發生之前3周的剪輯錄影帶作為證據。

As students ' family and friends remember those killed in the shooting of virginia tech , investigators have learned the shooter bought ammunition clips on ebay about 3 weeks before the attack 正當在弗吉尼亞理工大學槍擊事件中遇難的學生的家人和朋友緬懷死者時,調查人員發現兇手在案發前3周通過易趣網購買了手槍用的子彈夾。

As students ' family and friends remember those killed in the shooting of virginia tech , investigators have learned the shooter bought ammunition clips on ebay about 3 weeks before the attack 同學的家庭和朋友都記得那些在維吉尼亞理工大學被槍擊的人,調查人員已經得知兇手實在槍擊案發生3周前在易趣上購買了彈藥匣子。

As students ' family and friends remember those killed in the shooting of virginia tech , investigators have learned the shooter bought ammunition clips on ebay about 3 weeks before the attack 當學生們的親朋好友懷念弗吉尼亞理工大學槍殺案遇害者時,調查人員已獲悉槍手于案發前三周通過易趣網購買了彈夾。